
Welcome to our blog, your source for the latest insights on IoT, Energy Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance. Join us as we explore industry trends and the power of Scops, our Plug & Play solution combining IoT Sensors and AI Data Analysis.

Smart Energy and Sustainability

Unlocking Industry 5.0 with LoRaWAN® Technology: A Game Changer for Sustainability

Scops uses the LoRaWAN® Standard long-range connectivity, making it five times faster for companies to remotely access & monitor their energy and performance data from on-field IIoT devices.
Smart Energy and Sustainability

Scops' 4.0 Water Monitoring in the context of the European Water Crisis

In the context of the Water Crisis, which will lead to a global water shortage of 40%, Scops developed a Smart Water Monitoring solution to help industries reduce water consumption & inefficiencies.
Smart Energy and Sustainability

Revolutionizing Sustainability: Smart Energy Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance with

Energy and production inefficiencies are too high, but implementing 4.0 monitoring is too expensive for companies. Scops solves this issue with a unique Smart Monitoring Plug & Play Solution.
Smart Energy and Sustainability

Investing in Artificial Intelligence to Improve Sustainability and Efficiency

Artificial Intelligence, one of the technologies at the heart of the fourth industrial 4.0 revolution, is driving businesses to make significant investments by streamlining production, energy, and decision-making processes.
Predictive Maintenance

Revolutionizing Industrial Efficiency: Scops' Solution to Production Downtime combines IoT and I.A. into a solution for efficient downtime management with Smart h24 Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance, reducing unplanned downtime by up to 40 percent.
Industrial Asset Management

Increase Server Room Efficiency & Reliability with Scops' Integrated 4.0 Monitoring Solution

Scops enables 24/7 monitoring of server rooms to reduce energy consumption through data analysis, prevent anomalies, and ensure uninterrupted server operations in a Smart 4.0 way.